Wednesday, October 24, 2007

ASL Expo/ Sprint


LaRonda said...

Hi there.

Yes, I know how fun it can be to look for other vloggers at Deaf Expos and events. Nice to have people recognize you too. Good for our egos. (wink) ;)

Did you meet Amy Cohen-Efron there?

I will be at the DeafNation Expo in Pleasanton on Oct. 27th in the Bay Area at my work booth - St. Joseph's Center for the Deaf. If anyone is in the area, stop by and say hi! :)

~ LaRonda

Deaf Pixie said...

Hi Dixie,

Deaf Expo have a great adversiting about Sprint Ip and other things and I have been support Sprint Relay service. as much I useful. I like their service because of useful for SK. It is hard to explained what I have been use it.
Darn it I was in Portland Oregon. I have not seen SeekGeo and other vlogger. DArn it. I was looking for the vlogger or blogger. Darn it.. I am only one blogger. I have not really additional more. Looking at my first time blogger and attempted to additional vlogger is pretty difficult to additional. I am kind of running out of time. Since I started my blogger was not the best in my first blogger was unclearly.
I rather vlogger so they can understand what I was talked about.

I am going to doing vlogger soon I hope someone could help me.

My eyes tear.. I am just fake crying right now..

Keep support Sprint,too.

Anonymous said...

So seems you enjoying meeting people in ASLexpo in Atlanta, how a bout booth display, performance and kids time? That is the worst expo I ever experience. Hearing performance? Come on, where is Deaf performers? Where is children play time beside jumping the giant balloons. Where kids painting face? Games? Very disappointment ASLexpo in Atlanta. That was really sucker for me to drive 300 miles for that day.

Deaf Dixie said...

Bama Boy, understand what your point.. from my understanding is that Keith Wann has a family emergency so there is no his performed so there is a several good booths related to vp but than that there is no much... sorry if you drive all the way there for nothing.... hope that next time will be great (hope so)...

Deaf Dixie said...

unfourntery Amy Efron Cohen was not there... it would be nice if I meet her there but... hope I will meet her and vloggers next time. Hope you enjoy your aslexpo!!!

Anonymous said...

Well Sprint BLOCK T-Mobile dealers from selling at ASL EXPO. I think it is not fair to Deaf customers. Sprit WANT you to use Sprint product instead of T-Mobile, GoAMERICA, or other such ATT. It should be free of choices. you should watch Sprint's Greedy

Anonymous said...


Deaf customers did not know that Sprint is GREEDY due to Sprint banned ASL EXPO from let other dealers such T-Mobile, GoAmerica, ATT, etc to sell their product at all ASL Expo. WE like to thank to Deafnation for block big companies like SPRINT who want to ban other dealers from selling other products than Sprint own products.