Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Houseparents discipline kids to make up bed at the dorm


Anonymous said...

Done everyday except Sat and Sun - not required in high school level.

The habit was not carried over to adulthood. Still messy bed.

Deaf Dixie said...

Really I see... very interest.. thanks for the sharing info with me.


Squ65 said...

I RARELY made my bed -- still do. Well ... No one sees my messy bedroom anyway! lol I grew up in a public hearing and lived with my family.

Jac said...

oh yes, my habit to make a bed after I woke up in the morning since my supervisor at my deaf residental school told me to do make my bed as everyday to follow the rule! I am still doing it! It was worth and good discipline because see my husband had not been in the deaf residental school since he was in a oral program that time, his mother ALWAYS made a bed for him for years till he went to Gally, he learned to make a bed. Can't you believe it! He was spoiled!

Anonymous said...

Yes, i grew up in dorm and we had to make our beds very neatly before we go to school. Even as adult, I still make my bed very neat. My hearing brother and sisters do not do that. They grew up at home and rarely make their beds. Thanks for sharing vlog.

Anonymous said...

I went to deaf school, I never made bed even required but I got away with it....


The Regan Family said...

Yes, They did to us at Indiana School For The Deaf (ISD). I must make my bed every morning, and I even teach my kids to make their bed every morning also put their stuff back to where it belongs every night. It will teach their future home clean. I thanked ISD and my Mom for teaching me.



Anonymous said...

Hi Deaf Dixie,
I was from deaf school and did live in the dorm. I still have a habit, making my bed before I start my day. Same with chores to do. I was taught to make my bed and do my one or two chores in the dorm every morning. I am thankful to deaf school. I feel great, knowing that my house is clean and less housecleaning on weekends. It is just a habit. My 4 hearing children often tell me and Dad why do they have to make their beds and do chores? I tell them that they will realize that when they are on their own.

Deaf Dixie said...

Got Milk,
Guess ur just lucky and get by..


Deaf Dixie said...

thanks for ur share information.


Lantana said...

Yes, yes, it is called good training. If you know of anyone who has been in the military, you will notice that they are very rigid about such things, dresser drawers in good order, etc. I think that residential schools were kind of like "boot camp" in the army and it did all of us alot of good. Most of us passed this discipline on to our own children.


Anonymous said...

My deaf husband grew up in a deaf dorm in Illinois. He wanted my kids and me to do the good habit to make the bed...must be perfect. I can't accept it...I am from a hearing family and I go to school but don't live in a dorm. My kids can't do it right. They are just like me. Then my husband gave up. Our bed made isn't perfect until his mother stayed with us for a week, his deaf mother made all the beds so perfect and 100% neat because she used to live in a deaf dorm, too.