Thursday, August 2, 2007

Deaf Parents trained hearing kids to be a deaf


Shrimpy said...

I would like you check out My Video and It more welcome :-)

See you around

Deaf Dixie said...

Hey Shrimpy, I will check it out asap ok thanks...


Anonymous said...

Lot of hard of hearing can use cell phone and hear whisper, but they hear not equal like hearing people. Hearing people hear more sharper than what hard of hearing can hear.

Domvera said...

It is my understand that deaf parents placed three children into deaf residentials. Correct?

If so, the school admission office are mandated to have their parents to provide the authentic audiogram in order to see if their children are deaf at any degree of hearings. Apparently, the deaf residential school must have overlooked.

How old are they now? In case, they will get into hot water eventually.



Hello Deaf Dixie... I agree with you 100 percent, i don't blame that it can be confusing to everybody... but i think all deaf school should have a hearing test if pass the deaf level then they can be approved to go deaf school.. im sure that audio center have a level of hard of hearing, they would know that if not hard of hearing or deaf, they would send to all deaf schools that kids aren't deaf!

But again, Public school don't do that that's competely different, it's sure so sad to give kids growing up and confusing. this isn't fair.

For Ssi/SSDI, it's sure taking alot of advandge but i don't think it would happened cuz all birth cerficate is record with hearing test to goverment listing, SSI would know that kids aren't deaf so they shouldn't be on the ssdi.
I could be wrong as you said so.

Anonymous said...

Hi Deaf Dixie,

I am sorry that I am late to say welcome to our vlogland. Smile.

I have a few friends who are Deaf and can speak/hear well on the phone. They don't like to be called Hard of Hearing. They are proud as Culturally Deaf people. As culturally Deaf people, we don't measure their hearing level. CODAS can call themselves Deaf Heart but can hear perfectly.
I have a great interpreter who doesn't have Deaf family but highly involved in Deaf community and interact Deaf people. She is a true Deaf heart. It is based on the culture purpose.

I have a friend who is white but comes from Black family. She called herself Black. That is fine.

I am sorry but Parents can't fool school if they lie to school that their children is deaf, but really they are hearing. The school required having audiogram to prove that their children are Deaf before they enroll school.



I agreed with you what you had to say and it's uncomfortable to everybody to look at. but think about it if they born with a birth cerficate it would show that they had passed hearing test and it will records in goverment listing for any future with them going to school, if they found out that they are on the ssdi under the parent, they would be in a bigggggggesttt trouble for that. I don't personally that family have a guts to put kids on the ssi cuz they required to get hearing test thru doctor to get the ssi. For the deaf school, I think they should know better cuz they would need to attend to hearing test if they pass the deaf level or hard of hearing test then they would know that kids have some loss or whatever they would approve them to go deaf school. but again it's not same as public school, they don't do that.. that's wayy different. but it's really sad for them to grow suffer.

Deaf Dixie said...

Aidan Mack,

Thanks for welcome me to vlogs.. smile back...

Very interest about your friends.. thanks for the sharing info with me.


Deaf Dixie said...


Thanks for the sharing with me..

yes, they were residence with their parents, they are adult now so guess in a long time ago there is not good catch to see if they were lie or something like that...
know what I mean.



hey.. i apolopized if i post twice and i relaized that first post wasn't yet posted cuz i failed the password to enter my google account and didn't relaized it's posted. ooops! forgive me hehe

Deaf Dixie said...


That's ok... it was happen to me before but am still learning how to use this one, too


deafk said...


just let you know that mild deaf sometimes could act like hearing person. So, we could not measure how poor hearing mild deaf might have. why don't you go to this link, and see how mild deaf felt about the difference between mild deaf and severe deaf, very interesting view...
"Hard of Hearing people get advantage over Deaf people??" in Butterfly, like me...Deaf's blog.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, some not well to do deaf parents sent their hearing kids to deaf school way back. Two of them even went to GU and graduated. Don't ask me how they managed to pass their audiogram as deaf.

Deaf Dixie said...

Really?? very interest....


Anonymous said...

interesting about brag about Deaf children of Deaf parents. I, myself Deaf, wife hearing, I work for 30 years before layoff, wife work, good pay, I have twins both hearing. I get SSDI plus my kids get SSI, I told SS office that my children are not Deaf, they are hearing and my wife work and pay good. SS office said no matter, said that I work many years, I deserve that. So, as of today, still try to find job at my age and years of my work, you know many compnay wont pay high salary with that kind of experience work and age too. so Tough for me but surprise that my kids get SSI. Wondering why. Any idea?

emmabby said...

It seems very interest for deaf parents put that 3 hearing kids into deaf class. Huh... it may confusing us eh.. I believe that government know already!! Therefore the government must have their hearing test to confirm before enter school.
Have a great day